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Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis: Magyars are Asian?


Magyars are said to have travel from Sumer to asia Major and around to Europe.
But my illness in reaction to a trigeminal drug. was telling when it almost killed me. Why? Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis which effects primarily the Han Chinese gene line, some other Asians. Funny enough Han would be pronounced Hun in Hungarian.
Eyes are a little more narrow but not completely. But it’s sort of beside the point, since if a St Paul’s Dermatologist didn’t think outside the box, and thought of TEN, I could have been dead.
Given a better suited appearance for it, I might have been shaved a few days of agony, as it is I was trying to walk it off for days till my mother insisted I go to Emergency, sage advice to a stubborn fool.
Now my father’s biggest fear is being tagged “non-white,” me I always stood by Magyar as the racial label best suited. So it spikes my curiosity,
I never knew another Magyar to have taken this drug, or get TEN, so I don’t know how many of us get the same effect.
All I can think of, is either started their or ended up their, we [Magyars] must have been Han Dynastic.
We take local physiognamy pretty quick, in a generation.
I kind of laugh thinking when asked about sickle sell, I was told it was Dutch Caribean, well I had ancestors about those parts too, your going to look at me and not check? How many must die on first glans of skin color and eye shape in Hospitals I wonder.
Another fine point is my father naming me on a mindless walk on his art board. In relation under various accents and non from things and places and people all over Asia, yeah my full name is one of a kind, but my first alone goes all over in some way.
Region in Tibet, a Dagger in Napal, an offering in Punjab. I find it utterly interesting, although I figure it must drive others into a racial identity panic. But facts are facts.
A few more variables would be nice, but this is what I have.

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